vintage vans style #95 era
2-tone blue/red/blue
made in usa circa 1991
US10.5?/UK9.5-10 (gum waffle portion outsole measures 28.6cm)
these have seen significant wear & tear however remain structurally sound. the rubber is dry in parts but not hard/brittle. minor separation between white rubber & uppers at toe creases & seams should not worsen. minor micro-cracking from crush injury under foxing stripes. some splits to canvas at left collar with exposed foam. the canvas is thinning near the toes & there is wear through the lining however no holes. the footbed is hard in places & dry-rot crusting at the right arch however with wear the pressure should soften the foam with limited crumble. the size is not visible however they measure like US10.5 if not US10. check measures!
vintage vans style #95 ~ US10.5 ?